Monday, October 10, 2011

Micro Project 1 Explanation

In this project we were asked to describe our journey to class. My project is a relatively simple piece, it is a map of the Ohio State campus with a couple pictures on top of it that have some significant meaning to me on my way to class. On the map you will see a yellow line going from my apartment to Ohio Stadium with red dots located along the line. The red dots represent landmarks that I notice on the way to class every day. The yellow line is the exact route that I follow to class. At the end of both sides of the yellow line you will see pictures of my apartment and a picture of Ohio Stadium. Those two pictures represent the start of my journey and end of it. You will also see two more red dots located on the line; these two lines are the Buffalo Wild Wings that is on the corner of Lane and High street and the Ohio State ROTC building. These are the two landmarks that stick out the most to me on my way to class. Also in this piece you will see what looks like a map key in the right bottom corner. In this key I have put three items, a music symbol, an orange Gatorade, and a granola bar. Every day when I walk to class I use all three of these items. I am always listening to music; it is what wakes me up in the morning. I also have my breakfast on my way to class with my granola bar and orange Gatorade.  Basically, this blog describes the meaning of my piece. Hopefully it allows you to better understand the meaning of this piece

1 comment:

  1. Alex,
    Thanks for the explanation of your piece. I like the idea of the key that we talked about in class. I think the idea of music accompanying you is an interesting one. What do you listen to? Is there a distinct rhythm to it? Does it affect the way you walk (some people walk to the beat of their music)? I wonder is that something that could be incorporated?
