Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My travels

My journey to class is a rather long one if you have to ask me. I walk all the way from Norwich Ave to Ohio Stadium, on average I would say it takes about twenty five minutes. While walking to class I usually have my headphones in listening to music. Music is my savior on this walk because it always wakes me up in the morning, but it also makes me very unaware of my surroundings. I can never hear cars coming. Im not very cautious crossing the street because Im to concerned about my music. So sometimes on my way to class I may have to dodge a car or two. I usually take Norwich to High Street then take High to Lane Avenue. The first day of class I was clueless to where this classroom could have been at, all I knew was that it was located somewhere in the massive football stadium. Finding the class on the first day could have went very bad but fortunately for me when I arrived at the football stadium I walked around the left side and not the right. As I was walking I noticed a sign saying Art 152 up these stairs around gate 20. This sign is just about the only reason why I found the class room and made it to class on time the first day.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,
    I like the way you describe your walk. Tow things jump out to me: the scale of the football stadium and your description of your music. Maybe that is something you could focus on as the quarter moves along.
