Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Project 2

This blog will explain the ten items that I have chosen to put into my second project. These items make up huge parts of my life and are extremely important to me.

Cincinnati skyline -I chose a picture of the downtown Cincinnati skyline at night because this is my hometown and no other place on earth is more important to me. This is where I grew up at and the meaning of this city is indescribable to me. Every time I drive into downtown Cincinnati I look up at the skyline of the city and just smile because it brings a great feeling of happiness knowing that I am in my hometown.
Cincinnati Skyline-Euphoria

Mom- My mother is Cindy Rogers, she has been my best friend in the entire world since I was born. My father passed away when I was young and ever since then my mom has been the most important person in the world to me. She has always been there for me and always has loved and cared for me as much as she can. Know matter what happens I know she will always be there for me.
Mom- Love and Care

Basketball- The sport of basketball is what I have done my entire life. I've played many other sports but none were as fun to me as basketball. Playing basketball is what I truly love to do. Without this sport who knows what I would be doing.
Basketball- Passion

Prom Picture- I chose this picture because it is me and all of my best friends that I graduated high school with. Every time I see these people it is always a good time. Seeing my friends is one of the best feelings in the world.
Prom Picture- Friendship

Drake - As many of you probably know Drake is a music artist. I love listening to all music but Drake's music is my favorite. His music wakes me up every morning and nearly every song he puts out I love listening to, I feel that I am emotionally attached to it. All of his music puts me into a good mood know matter what time of day it is. If I could I would listen to Drake nearly all day long.
Drake- Emotionally Attached

Cell Phone - This is a picture of the exact cell phone that I personally own, its a Sprint Evo 4G phone. This phone is my savior. My phone is my connection to the world, I don't go anywhere without it. That's bad to say but its the truth. Without my phone I feel naked.
Cell Phone- My Savior

Ohio State Poster- I have always been a huge fan of Ohio State athletics but since I have joined the basketball team here this OSU logo has taken on a whole knew meaning. This logo resembles me and what I represent. This logo represents my school, my teammates, and my team.
Ohio State Poster- My Team

Carmelo Anthony - Carmelo Anthony is my favorite basketball player. I look up to him as an idol in many ways. Every time his games are on TV I watch them, I even go as far trying to model some of my game after his. To me he is the best player in the NBA.
Carmelo Anthony- Idol

Audi S5- I always have appreciated a nice car, especially the Audi S5. This is the car that my brother actually owns and I am extremely jealous of him for that. Ever since my brother bought this car I've wanted my own. I promise you as soon as I am financially stable enough to buy this car I will.
Audi S5- My Dream

Shoes- Shoes are very important to me, in a way they say a lot about who I am. Most of the shoes I own are basketball shoes like the picture I've chosen. As I stated before basketball is my passion in life and what I love to do therefore, basketball shoes are extremely important to me. Shoes represent who I am and say a lot about me.
Shoes- My Style

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